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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

American Idol A-hole

The conversation goes something like this:

Jason (My husband) "He's the cutest kid I've EVER seen."  This declaration was made after I told Jason that I was thinking about sending some pictures of our son to a modeling agency so that he could earn his keep.

My response "Well, he's pretty cute.  But, I don't want to go overboard or anything.  I want him to be confident, but I don't want him to be one of those assholes on American idol that thinks they are the worlds best singer and are absolutely horrible."

Jason just stared at me.  I think he just needed a moment to let the statement soak in.  But, he thought about it and realized where I was coming from.  I want my child to be confident in himself, not full of himself.  I want to push him so that he will learn to push himself.

But, he is really cute you know.  And, as my BF has said to me "cute kids don't always grow up to be good looking adults, I mean have you ever seen the Gerber baby grown up?"

1 comment:

  1. I thought Louie Anderson was the Gerber Baby grown up.
