Remember my friend Louschell? Well she's pretty brainy when it comes to jingles and acronyms.... just don't ask her to read a big word like extrapolate outloud. She's very athletic, and as you can see here she's going places.
I contacted Louschell to come up with something witty for all of the random stuff I had been making lately. She came up with the name of my shop, Peepskeeps a couple of years ago. (More on that later) So, you can see why I would force ask her to lend her creativity to me once again.
I'm not going to tell you what the orginal concept was....lets just say I had to make it more everybody friendly, and less offensive. But, she got the ball rolling and that is where CRAP came from (insert inappropriate joke here).
CRAP stands for Creative Repurposed Awesome Pieces! It's everything I live for. Making something old, newer. Turning something useless into useful. Or create a piece of art out nothing. I love CRAP!!
My friends have also turned this into a fun game. They call me with an idea or something they've seen and ask "Hey, do you think you can CRAP that?" or "You can CRAP out a chair like that in your sleep."
It's catchy isn't it? You're all going to be CRAPping now. (endless inappropriate jokes too)
I can't to find some useless shit for you to crap out for me! KCUF! Karen's Crafts Undeniably Fabulous!